Quiz for CBSE Class 7 Social Science Syllabus Women Change the World (Activity Based) | Geometry School
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CBSE Class 7 Social Science Syllabus
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CBSE Class 7 Social Science Syllabus
OUR ENVIRONMENT: (1) Environment
Environment (Quiz 1)
Environment (Quiz 2)
Environment (Value Based Question)
Environment (HOTs)
Environment (Activity Based )
Environment (NCERT Solution)
OUR ENVIRONMENT: (2) Inside Our Earth
Inside our Earth (Quiz 1)
Inside our Earth (Quiz 2)
Inside our Earth (Value Based Question)
Inside our Earth (HOTs)
Inside our Earth (Activity Based)
Inside Our Earth (NCERT Solution)
OUR ENVIRONMENT: (3) Our Changing Earth
Our Changing Earth (Quiz 1)
Our Changing Earth (Quiz 2)
Our Changing Earth (Value Based Question)
Our Changing Earth (HOTs)
Our Changing Earth (Activity Based)
Our changing Earth (NCERT Solution)
Air (Quiz 1)
Air (Quiz 2)
Air (Value Based Question)
Air (HOTs)
Air (Activity Based)
Air (NCERT Solution)
Water (Quiz 1)
Water (Quiz 2)
Water (Value Based Question)
Water (HOTs)
Water (Activity Based)
Water (NCERT Solution)
OUR ENVIRONMENT: (6) Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
Natural Vegetation and Wildlife (NCERT Solution)
OUR ENVIRONMENT: (7) Human Environment–Settlement, Transport and Communication
Human Environment- Settlement, Transport and Communication (NCERT Solution)
OUR ENVIRONMENT: (8) Human Environment Interactions The Tropical and the Subtropical Region
Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Region (Quiz 1)
Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Region (Quiz 2)
Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Region (Value Based Question)
Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Region (HOTs)
Human Environment Interactions: The Tropical and the Subtropical Region (Activity Based)
Human Environment -Interactions The Tropical and the Subtropical Regions (NCERT Solution)
OUR ENVIRONMENT: (9) Life in the Deserts
Life in the Deserts (Quiz 1)
Life in the Deserts (Quiz 2)
Life in the Deserts (Value Based Question)
Life in the Deserts (HOTs)
Life in the Deserts (Activity Based)
Life in the Deserts (NCERT Solution)
OUR PASTS - II : (1) Tracing Changes Through A Thousand Years
Tracing Changes Through A Thousand Years Part-1
Tracing Changes Through A Thousand Years Part-2
Tracing Changes Through A Thousand Years Part-3
Tracing Changes Through a Thousand Years 7th (Quiz 1)
Tracing Changes Through a Thousand Years 7th (Quiz 2)
Tracing Changes Through a Thousand Years 7th (Value Based Question)
Tracing Changes Through a Thousand Years 7th (HOTs)
Tracing Changes Through a Thousand Years 7th (Activity Based)
Tracing changes through a thousand year (NCERT Solution)
OUR PASTS - II : (2) New Kings And Kingdoms
New Kings and Kingdoms (Quiz 1)
New Kings and Kingdoms (Quiz 2)
New Kings and Kingdoms (Value Based Question)
New Kings and Kingdoms (HOTs)
New Kings and Kingdoms (Activity Based Question)
New king and kingdoms (NCERT Solution)
OUR PASTS - II : (3) The Delhi Sultans
The Delhi Sultans (Quiz 1)
The Delhi Sultans (Quiz 2)
The Delhi Sultans (Value Based Question)
The Delhi Sultans (HOTs)
The Delhi Sultans (Activity Based)
The Delhi sultans (NCERT Solution)
OUR PASTS - II : (4) The Mughal Empire
The Mughal Empire (Quiz 1)
The Mughal Empire (Quiz 2)
The Mughal Empire (Value based Question)
The Mughal Empire (HOTs)
The Mughal Empire (Activity based)
The Mughal Empire (NCERT Solution)
OUR PASTS - II : (5) Rulers And Buildings
Rulers and Buildings (Quiz 1)
Rulers and Buildings (Quiz 2)
Rulers and Buildings (Value Based Question)
Rulers and Buildings (HOTs)
Rulers and Buildings (Activity Based)
Rulers And Buildings (NCERT Solution)
OUR PASTS - II : (6) Towns, Traders And Craftspersons
Towns, Traders And Craftspersons (NCERT Solution)
OUR PASTS - II : (7) Tribes, Nomads And Settled Communities
Tribes, Nomads And Settled Communities (NCERT Solution)
OUR PASTS - II : (8) Devotional Paths To The Divine
Devotional paths to the divine (Quiz 1)
Devotional paths to the divine (Quiz 2)
Devotional paths to the divine (Value Based Question)
Devotional paths to the divine (HOTs)
Devotional paths to the divine (Activity Based)
Devotional Paths To The Divine (NCERT Solution)
OUR PASTS - II : (9) The Making Of Regional Cultures
The Making of Regional Cultures (Quiz 1)
The Making of Regional Cultures (Quiz 2)
The Making of Regional Cultures (Value Based Question)
The Making of Regional Cultures (HOTs)
The Making of Regional Cultures (Activity Based)
The Making Of Regional Cultures (NCERT Solution)
OUR PASTS - II : (10) Eighteenth-Century Political Formations
Eighteenth Century Political Formations (Quiz 1)
Eighteenth Century Political Formations (Quiz 2)
Eighteenth Century Political Formations (Value Based Question)
Eighteenth Century Political Formations (HOTs)
Eighteenth Century Political Formations (Activity Based)
Eighteenth- Century Political Formations (NCERT Solution)
Social and Political life - I : Unit -1 : Equality in Indian Democracy
On Equality
On Equality (Quiz 1)
On Equality (Quiz 2)
On Equality (Value Based Question)
On Equality (HOTs)
On Equality (Activity Based)
Equality in indian democracy (NCERT Solution)
Social and Political life - I : Unit -2 : State Government
Role of the Government in Health
Role of the Government in Health (Quiz 1)
Role of the Government in Health (Quiz 2)
Role of the Government in Health (Value Based Question)
Role of the Government in Health (HOTs)
Role of the Government in Health (Activity Based)
How the State Government Works
How the State Government Works (Quiz 1)
How the State Government Works (Quiz 2)
How the State Government Works (Value Based Question)
How the State Government Works (HOTs)
How the State Government Works (Activity Based)
state government (NCERT Solution)
Role of the government in health (NCERT Solutions)
Social and Political life - I : Unit -3 : Gender
Growing up as Boys and Girls
Growing up as Boys and Girls (Quiz 1)
Growing up as Boys and Girls (Quiz 2)
Growing up as Boys and Girls (Value Based Question)
Growing up as Boys and Girls (HOTs)
Growing up as Boys and Girls (Activity Based)
Women Change the World
Women Change the World (Quiz 1)
Women Change the World (Quiz 2)
Women Change the World (Value Based Question)
Women Change the World (HOTs)
Women Change the World (Activity Based)
Gender (NCERT Solution)
Women change the world (NCERT Solution)
Social and Political life - I : Unit - 4 : Media
Understanding Media
Understanding Media (Quiz 1)
Understanding Media (Quiz 2)
Understanding Media (Value Based Question)
Understanding Media (HOTs)
Understanding Media (Activity Based)
Media (NCERT Solution)
Social and Political life - I : Unit -5 : Markets
Markets Around Us
Markets Around Us (Quiz 1)
Markets Around Us (Quiz 2)
Markets Around Us (Value Based Question)
Markets Around Us (HOTs)
Markets Around Us (Activity Based)
Markets (NCERT Solution)
A Shirt in the Market
A Shirt in the Market (Quiz 1)
A Shirt in the Market (Quiz 2)
A Shirt in the Market (Value Based Question)
A Shirt in the Market (HOTs)
A Shirt in the Market (Activity Based)
A shirt in the market (NCERT Solution)
Social and Political life - I : Equality in Indian Democracy (continued)
Struggles for Equality
सामाजिक एवं राजनीतिक जीवन -2
1. भारतीय लोकतंत्र में समानता
2. राज्य सरकार
3. लिंग बोध - जेंडर
4. संचार माध्यम और विज्ञापन
5. बाजार
6. भारतीय लोकतंत्र में समानता
हमारे अतीत -2
1. हजारो वर्षों के दौरान हुए परिवर्तनों की पड़ताल
2. नये राजा और उनके राज्य
3. दिल्ली के सुलतान
4. मुगल साम्राज्य
5. शासक और इमारते
6. नगर, व्यापारी और शिल्पीजन
7. जनजातियाँ ,ख़ानाबदोश और एक जगह बसे हुए समुदाय
8. ईश्वर से अनुराग
9. क्षेत्रीय संस्कृतियों के निर्माण
10. अट्ठारहवीं शताब्दी में नए राजनीतिक गठन
हमारा पर्यावरण
1. पर्यावरण
2. हमारी पृथ्वी के अंदर
3. हमारी बदलती पृथ्वी
4. वायु
5. जल
6. प्राकृतिक वनस्पति एवं वन्य जीवन
7. मानवीय पर्यावरण : बस्तियाँ ,परिवहन एवं संचार
8. मानव - पर्यावरण अन्योन्यक्रिया : उष्णकटिबंधीय एवं उपोष्ण
9. रेगिस्तान में जीवन
Unit Test -1
Unit Test -2
Unit Test -3
Unit Test -4
Women Change the World (Activity Based)
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