Quiz for CBSE Class 8 Social Science Syllabus Land, Soil, water, natural vegetation and wildlife resources 8th (Quiz 2) | Geometry School
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CBSE Class 8 Social Science Syllabus
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CBSE Class 8 Social Science Syllabus
OUR PASTS - III : (1) How, When and Where
How, when and where 8th (quiz 1)
How, when and where 8th (quiz 2)
How, when and where 8th (HOTS)
How, when and where (Ncert Solutions)
OUR PASTS - III : (2) From Trade to Territory The Company Establishes Power
From trade to territory the company establishes power 8th (Quiz 1)
From trade to territory the company establishes power 8th (Quiz 2)
From trade to territory the company establishes power 8th (Hots)
From trade to territory the company establishes power (Ncert Solutions)
OUR PASTS - III : (3) Ruling the Countryside
Ruling the countryside 8th (quiz 1)
Ruling the countryside 8th (quiz 2)
Ruling the countryside 8th (HOTS))
OUR PASTS - III : (4) Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age
Tribals, Dikus and the vision of the golden age 8th (Quiz 1)
Tribals, Dikus and the vision of the golden age 8th (Quiz 2)
Tribals, Dikus and the vision of the golden age 8th (Hots)
OUR PASTS - III : (5) When People Rebel 1857 and After
When people rebel 1857 and after 8th (Quiz 1)
When people rebel 1857 and after 8th (Quiz 2)
When people rebel 1857 and after 8th (HOTS)
When people rebel 1857 and after (Ncert Solutions)
OUR PASTS - III : (6) Weavers, Iron Smelters and Factory Owners
Weavers, iron smelters and factory owners (Ncert Solutions)
OUR PASTS - III : (7) Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation
Civilising the native 8th (Quiz 1)
Civilising the native 8th (Quiz 2)
Civilising the native 8th (Hots)
Civilising the " Native " , Educating the Nation (NCERT Solution)
OUR PASTS - III : (8) Women, Caste and Reform
Women, caste, Reform 8th (Quiz 1)
Women, caste, Reform 8th (Quiz 2)
Women, caste, Reform 8th (Hots)
Women, Caste and Reform (NCERT Solution)
OUR PASTS - III : (9) The Making of the National Movement: 1870s--1947
The making of national movement 1870s - 1947 8th (Quiz 1)
The making of national movement 1870s - 1947 8th (Quiz 2)
The making of national movement 1870s - 1947 8th (Hots)
The Making of the National Movement: 1870s--1947 (NCERT Solution)
OUR PASTS - III : (10) India After Independence
India After Independence (NCERT Solution)
Resources 8th (Quiz 1)
Resources 8th (Quiz 2)
Resources 8th (Hots)
Resources (Ncert Solutions)
RESOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT : (2) Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources
Land, Soil, water, natural vegetation and wildlife resources 8th (Quiz 1)
Land, Soil, water, natural vegetation and wildlife resources 8th (Quiz 2)
Land, Soil, water, natural vegetation and wildlife resources 8th (Hots)
Land, Soil, water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources (NCERT Solution)
RESOURCES AND DEVELOPMENT : (3) Mineral and Power Resources
Mineral and Power Resources (NCERT Solution)
Agriculture 8th (Quiz 1)
Agriculture 8th (Quiz 2)
Agriculture 8th (Hots)
Agriculture (NCERT Solution)
Industries (Quiz 1)
Industries (Quiz 2)
Industries (HOTs)
Industries (NCERT Solution)
Human Resource (Quiz 1)
Human Resource (Quiz 2)
Human Resource (HOTs)
Social and Political life - II : Unit -1 : The Indian Constitution and Secularism
The Indian Constitution Part 1
The Indian Constitution Part 2
The Indian Constitution
Understanding Secularism
Understanding Secularism
The Indian Constitution (Quiz 1)
The Indian Constitution (Quiz 2)
The Indian Constitution (HOTs)
Understanding Secularism (Quiz 1)
Understanding Secularism (Quiz 2)
Understanding Secularism (HOTs)
Chapter-1 The Indian Constitution (NCERT Solution)
Chapter-2 Understanding Secularism (NCERT Solution)
Social and Political life - II : Unit -2 : Parliament and The Making of Laws
Why do we need a Parliament?
Understanding Laws
Why do we need a Parliament (Quiz 1)
Why do we need a Parliament (Quiz 2)
Why do we need a Parliament (HOTs)
Understanding Laws (Quiz 1)
Understanding Laws (Quiz 2)
Understanding Laws (HOTs)
Chapter-3 Why do we need Parliament (NCERT Solution)
Chapter-4 Understanding Laws (NCERT Solution)
Social and Political life - II : Unit -3 : The Judiciary
Understanding Our Criminal Justice System
Judiciary (Quiz 1)
Judiciary (Quiz 2)
Judiciary (HOTs)
Chapter-5 Judiciary (NCERT Solution)
Social and Political life - II : Unit -4 : Social Justice and The Marginalised
Understanding Marginalisation
Confronting Marginalisation
Understanding Marginalisation (Quiz 1)
Understanding Marginalisation (Quiz 2)
Understanding Marginalisation (HOTs)
Confronting Marginalisation (Quiz 1)
Confronting Marginalisation (Quiz 2)
Confronting Marginalisation (HOTs)
Chapter-7 Understanding Marginalisation (NCERT Solution)
Chapter-8 Confronting Marginalisation (NCERT Solution)
Social and Political life - II : Unit - 5 : Economic Presence of the Government
Public Facilities
Law and Social Justice
Public Facilities (Quiz 1)
Public Facilities (Quiz 2)
Public Facilities (HOTs)
Law and Social Justice (Quiz 1)
Law and Social Justice (Quiz 2)
Law and Social Justice (HOTs)
Chapter-9 PUBLIC Facilities (NCERT Solution)
Chapter-10 law and Social Justice (NCERT Solution)
सामाजिक एवं राजनीतिक जीवन – III
1. भारतीय सविधान और धर्मनिरपेक्षता
अध्याय -1 भारतीय संविधान
अध्याय -2 धर्मनिरपेक्षता की समझ
2. संसद तथा कानूनों का निर्माण
अध्याय -3 हमे संसद क्यों चाहिए
अध्याय – 4 कानूनों की समझ
3. न्यापालिका
अध्याय -5 न्यापालिका
अध्याय -6 हमारी आपराधिक न्याय प्रणाली
4. सामाजिक न्याय और हाशिये की आवाज़े
अध्याय –7 हाशियाकरण की समझ
अध्याय - 8 हाशियाकरण से निपटना
5. आर्थिक क्षेत्र में सरकार की भूमिका
अध्याय -9 जन सुविधाएँ
अध्याय -10 कानून और सामाजिक न्याय
संसाधन एवं विकाश
1. संसाधन
2. भूमि , मृदा .जल प्राकृतिक वनस्पति और वन्य जीवन संसाधन
3. खनिज और शक्ति संसाधन
4. कृषि
5. उद्योग
6. मानव संसाधन
हमारे अतीत – III
1. कैसे कब और कहाँ
2. व्यापार से साम्राज्य तक कंपनी की सत्ता स्थापित होती है
3. ग्रामीण क्षेत्र पर शासन चलाना
4. आदिवासी दीकू और एक स्वर्ण युग की कल्पना
5. जब जनता बग़ावत करती है 1857 और उसके बाद 1
जब जनता बग़ावत करती है 1857 और उसके बाद 2
6. बुनकर ,लोहा बनाने वाले और फैक्ट्री मालिक
7. देशी जानता को सभ्य बनाना राष्ट्र को शिक्षित करना
8. महिलाएँ जाति एवं सुधार
9. राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन का संघटन 1870 के दशक से 1947 तक
10. स्वतंत्रता के बाद
Unit Test -1
Unit Test -2
Unit Test -3
Unit Test -4
Land, Soil, water, natural vegetation and wildlife resources 8th (Quiz 2)
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