RMS Class 9 Free mock test contains the premium and high-quality mock test, quiz, a subject-wise practice question which is absolutely free.

Want to Ace your preparation?


If you want to get selection in one go and crack the RMS CET Exam with Flying Colors then you must try THE RMS ONLINE LIVE MOCK TEST.

How to get the maximum benefit from the RMS online mock test:

1. Try to attempt the mock test very seriously.

2. Try to improve your score in every mock.

3. Try to work on percentile rather than score.

4. And Revise All the given mocks before the exam.


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What's Included

  • 0 Lectures
  • Access on tablet and phone

What you'll learn

  • Geometry School takes the help of videos and images to make learning easy.
  • You will be able to learn the concepts easily.
  • The lessons come in Hindi and English or mixed language.
  • It can be accessed on mobile phones. Also, not much internet is required.
  • We teach you various skills that will help to crack the entrance exam.
  • Also, you will get mock test series, practice question paper, and online course material.
  • You will find the course material as per the latest syllabus.


  • Special skills are not required as such.
  • You are required to pass the 8th class from a recognized university/board/school.
  • You must practice for the RIMC entrance exam.
  • Desktop/laptop/smartphone
  • Internet speed


Various ways how RMS class 9th free mock tests will help you?

The free mock tests are meant for students who can’t afford paid courses or practice papers. It is quite essential to learn from the mistakes before the final exam. RMS class 9th free mock tests increase your confidence and solve mistakes. We are discussing that how these mock tests will prepare for the exams

  1. You can develop the right strategy- You can easily devise the right strategy. To devise a strategy, you must know how to crack and clear the tests. The benchmarking helps you to measure your preparedness. The proper analysis can be done through mock tests. 

  2.  Learn new techniques for solving questions- You can learn certain advanced techniques. These techniques can be easily applied to basic concepts. If you are serious to give mock tests, you can perform well in a real exam. You can improve your performance. 

  3. Time management- Time management plays an important role in clearing competitive exams. It becomes quite tough to attempt all questions in the given time. So, you must practice mock tests. 

  4. You can practice and prepare- The students must understand concepts, learn basics and apply these concepts for mock tests. 

  5. Analyze post-examination- The students will get time to analyze the mistakes. You must go through every section of the paper. 


Mock test features

Our RMS class 9 free mock tests help students to understand and learn basic concepts. We have explained the details of every topic in our course content. The aspirants can gain practical learning and knowledge. 

  • The test series are available 24 by 7 at a reasonable price. 

  • The online test series are easy to understand.

  • You can gain better learning with a detailed and descriptive explanation of many topics.

  • The mock test series are available both in Hindi and English language. 

  • You can get high scores.

  •  We prepare you section and topic-wise on various objective questions like Language, arithmetic, and mental ability. 



RMS online test series and mock tests provide practical and innovative learning. You can enhance your confidence level and decrease tension during exam time. Our mock test series contain many questions for acquiring the mental and intellectual ability of students. 

Geometry School offers adequate opportunity and time to students for learning different topics. We have taken special care while designing these mock papers and test series. The students acquire time management, accuracy, and speed skills to solve questions.