Sainik School Class 6 Free mock test contains the premium and high-quality mock test, quiz, a subject-wise practice question which is absolutely free.

₹1,000 ₹1,000 0.00% off

What's Included

  • 10:47 on-demand video
  • 7 Lectures
  • 10 downloadable resources
  • Access on tablet and phone

What you'll learn

  • What you will learn from these free mock papers?
  • Geometry School ensures that you will be able to pass the Sainik School Entrance exam
  • You will pass the entrance exam with high scores
  • We help to crack the exam with flying colors
  • Our experts make sure that your concepts are clear.
  • You will get the advantage of preparing for other competitive exams.
  • Our experienced faculty teaches you to step by step through live sessions.
  • You will be able to solve the questions in the minimum time.
  • We also help you to practice various mock tests so that you can sharpen your skills. 


  • Special skills are not required as such.
  • You are required to pass the 8th class from a recognized university/board/school.
  • You must practice for the RIMC entrance exam.
  • Desktop/laptop/smartphone
  • Internet speed


Why take mock tests before going for entrance exams for the armed forces?

Are you preparing for entrance exams for the armed forces? You might know that there are various entrance exams if you are interested to make your career in the armed forces. The Sainik School entrance exam is quite the popular one. In this article, we are discussing that why mock tests are essential for these competitive exams.

Many students appear for entrance exams and they need to prepare themselves before going for the final one. The mock is to solve a test for practice with all the rules of actual exams. Mock tests help you to monitor your performance and avoid mistakes in real exams. You can understand the paper pattern, information of questions asked, the difficulty of questions, and the time taken to complete the test.


How Sainik School Mock test will help?

  • Sainik School Free Mock Test Class 6 is the same as real exams. Solving these mock tests will give you an idea of the type of questions asked in exams. You will get to know about patterns, syllabus, and difficulty level. 

  • The free mock test will help you to monitor your preparation. You can remember concepts with ease. You can also revise the syllabus by practicing mock tests. 

  • You can easily do planning and implement various strategies. The tests or practice papers will help to strategize and experiment for exam day. 

  • You can learn to solve mock tests and manage your time accordingly. You will know to provide time in a specific section. If you know that how much to invest time in each section, then you can complete the paper. 


Why take free mock tests for Sainik School class 6th?

Many students are interested to get admission to Sainik School. Every student can’t afford to take Mock tests by giving money. So, Geometry School has launched free Mock tests for Sainik School class 6th. You can simply visit the website and download practice papers. The free mock tests will help you to get good grades in exams.


Who can take these free mock papers?

  • Class 5th students who want to get admission to Sainik School 6th class. 

  • The aspirants of 5th class students who want to study in Sainik School

  • The students who want to make their career in the armed forces and other government agencies.

  • Candidates who are passionate about serving the Indian Armed forces.