How to prepare for Sainik school entrance exam class 6 and 9 [2022-2023]

Planning is the most crucial ingredient of any task; it saves your time and keeps you focused on a better result. With a proper plan and strategy, you can easily crack the Sainik school entrance exam class 6. Sainik school entrance exam not only checks your academic capability but also checks your mental and psychological strength. So, First, we highly suggest you not only focus on the syllabus but also improve your observing skill.


A brief introduction about the Sainik School Entrance exam

Sainik Schools was established in 1961 by V.k Krishna Menon to select the most capable students in the National Defence Academy [NDA]. Sainik schools became the best residential schools in India, which prepared the students mentally, physically, and psychologically for some years. That is why schooling in Sainik School has become the dream of most students who passed out of class 5th and 8th.


A Short Key Highlights of Strategy for the AISSEE 2022-2023

  • Go through with detailed syllabus.
  • Analyze the Last five-year question paper.
  • Note down the most crucial topic weightage wise of every subject in decreasing order and prepare first which have more weightage.
  • Make a proper daily timetable for each subject.
  • Go through the basics and learn concepts by heart.
  • Practice questions as much as you can.
  • Take quizzes until you get an addiction to it.
  • Enroll in every live test which we provide.


For the complete course of the Sainik school entrance exam, you can click here: AISSEE Class 6th


Now, We are going to discuss the strategy for clearing each subject in Detail.

Sainik School entrance exam class 6th paper divided into four subjects are Maths[ 50questionX3marks], Intelligence[25 questionX2marks], Language test[25questionX2marks].General Knowledge[25questionX2marks]. The total number of questions is 125 for the 300 marks, and the exam duration is 3 hours.


Strategy to Clear Math Section in Aissee 2022-2023


  • The question of math is mostly relatively easy. It comes from the 5th exam NCERT syllabus so try to take command of your previous grade syllabus first.
  • You need to focus on the basics and concept first, go through with every topic concept, and then solve a question.
  • Focus on topics like natural numbers, simplification, arranging of fractions, operation of numbers, conversion of units as they are simple and quite scoring.
  • Please make a list of all formulae,[ It will be beneficial for the topics like geometry, mensuration, and commercial maths] essential concepts, and tips in one notebook and try to revise them every day. If you learn any new concepts, note them down in your notebook.
  • .Math is the game of practicing, so try to solve maximum questions on each topic, gives quizzes regularly, and your marks in maths will increase automatically.
  • .Make a proper timetable for not only for maths but each topic and list down all the topics in a notebook first learn a concept and then try to solve questions.
  • Revision is the most important thing when it comes to memorizing the thing for a long time. A very famous quote is, "If you learn anything only one time, it means you didn't learn anything". So, try to revise every week what you have learned for the whole week.
  • Furthermore, last but not least, Give a mock test regularly and assess yourself, note down your mistakes and work again on that.


  1. Sainik School class 6th complete math course
  2. Sainik school class 6th maths test series




Strategy for the General Knowledge section in the Sainik school entrance exam.


  • First of all, note down all topics from the static and dynamic points of view. Static means which are not changeable and dynamic means which change over time.
  • After that, you need to do a deep analysis of the previous year's paper and note down the pattern of questions being asked every year, and covering the first.
  • Nowadays gk section has been easy, and you can score well by preparing this section smartly.
  • .Current affairs also play a crucial role so, try to be aware of your surroundings and burning topics and make notes for the current affairs section. 
  • Note all the essential facts, days, monuments, inventions, vitamins, National parks, etc. Moreover, revise all those things promptly.
  • If you face any problem learning and memorizing anything, try to write it down again and again. It will automatically feed into your subconscious mind.
  • Revision is significant in the gk section, so do not forget to revise what you have learned and practiced lots of questions.
  • Take the mock tests, quizzes and assess yourself. Note down your mistakes and any new topic or fact which you learned through mocks and quizzes.
  • Last but not least try to solve every question of the last five previous years' questions. It will not help you directly but covering the previous year's question makes you confident for the exam.



Strategy for preparing the intelligence section in Sainik school entrance exam

  • Scoring in the intelligence section depends on your observation skill and how you react to the question. The questions are designed only to check your mental ability. That is why it is also called mental ability and reasoning.
  • Non-verbal reasoning topics like image assembling, figure-counting, etc. demand you to employ visual imagination. These topics are time-consuming, but you can not ignore them as they are time-consuming. Practicing is the best way to make them a cakewalk for you.
  • First, try to go through the previous year's question. As we mentioned above, note down the weightage of the topics and start learning concepts accordingly.
  • A topic like paper folding, mirror image, odd one out, and diagram question needs Practice. These are the scoring topics you can easily score well just by practicing 10 to 20 questions daily.
  • Enroll in mock tests and live tests and try to notice the pattern of every question before solving it in your notebook. 
  • The numerical value of alphabets makes your work easy for solving the type of question like if "BAT is Coded 2120" then how "Book will code".

Here you can notice a pattern; the question is just about the numerical value of alphabets and nothing else.

  • If you are good at playing with numbers and mathematical operations, it will help you solve some questions quickly. So, Try to improve your mathematical calculation.
  • Download Pdfs of questions, take quizzes and concept videos from Geometry school and stay ahead with your competitor.



Strategy for preparing the Language section in Sainik school entrance exam


  • The three key aspects that you need to prepare for the English section efficiently are vocabulary, Grammar, and comprehension. By preparing just vocabulary and Grammar, you can win the half battle.
  • For the preparation strategy, you can divide the English section into three parts: Vocab, Comprehension, Grammar, and give each one equal time to score good marks.
  • For Vocab, you can use a newspaper, your English book, storybook, and comic book anything you can read. Whenever you get a new word, write it down in your notebook with meaning with the help of a Dictionary.
  • For, reading the English contents helps you in the vocab section and enhances your comprehension skill. For more results, you can solve two passages daily.
  • We know that the grammar section is a big problem for most of the students who are preparing for Sainik school entrance exam class 6th. However, note down one thing that a topic is never challenging or easy. It is your interest that makes it tough or easy. The more you give time to any topic, the more it is easy for you. 
  • You need to understand the parts of speech, such as what a preposition, adverb, the difference between noun and pronoun, and why we do not use conjunction in place of a preposition. When you study this way, the topic not only will become easy for you, but you feel that your interest in that topic also increases.
  • Note down all the imp concepts, Vocab, grammar rules in your copy and revise it timely. 
  • Take quizzes and mock tests and practice the previous year's questions to stay ahead of your competitors. For this, you can download our App and get all the material in one place.

Note: The Same strategy You can follow for the Hindi Section.



Some Important Tips from our side to crack Sainik School Entrance Exam 2022-2023



Before starting any preparation, you should have an idea about the exam pattern, previous year paper, syllabus, and exam level, and you also know about the core topic of any subject.



Self-assessment is the primary step for preparing for any exam; you should know about your current understanding of the paper. So, try to attempt a previous paper of Sainik school class 6th and see your score doing this. You will get an idea about your current knowledge and then start preparation accordingly.


Concept Strengthen: 

There are so many students who do not learn the basics and concepts of topics and start practicing the question directly; this will not demotivate them. They also lose the trust that they can crack the exam. So, Take time and learn the concepts and basics by heart and make proper notes for revision.



 You will hear that Practice makes a man perfect," and yes, it is true; doing much Practice helps you take command of that subject no matter how complex the topic is. So, Make a daily routine to solve some questions on every subject of the Sainik school exam.


Final Assessment:

You knew the syllabus, started the preparation, and have done lots of Practice. Now it is time to assess your actual preparation. For this, you need to enroll in a live test and find where you stand out in the competition. After assessing your current position, try to find your mistakes, your grey area of any topic, and learn these topics again.


Wrapping Up

"Hey students, Here we have shared the strategy for cracking your upcoming Sainik school entrance exam.

However, students, let me tell you one thing that strategy works. It lessens your effort and time, but the only strategy does not help you crack the exam. It is your determination that will help you to conquer the battle."


Thank you, All the best, Students.


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